четверг, 20 июня 2024 г.

Various Artists - Kosmos Favourites vol.537 (Early Blues)

Ada Brown -- Tia Juana Man
Alberta Brown -- How Long
Alberta Hunter -- He's Got a Punch Like Joe Louis
Bandanna Girls (Mozelle France - May Hopkins) -- Baby Would You Dare
Bandanna Girls (Mozelle France - May Hopkins) -- Money Is Honey
Barbecue Bob -- Monkey and the Baboon
Beale Street Sheiks -- Wasn't That Doggin' Me
Benny Carter & His All Star Orchestra (vocal chorus by Joe Turner) -- Joe Turner Blues
Bertha Henderson (guitar acc. Blind Blake) -- Lead Hearted Blues
Bessie Jackson [Lucille Bogan] -- I Hate That Train Called the M and O
Big Bill Broonzy -- John Henry
Big Joe Williams -- Ride My New Car with Me Blues
Bill Shepherd -- Bound Steel Blues
Blind Blake -- Hard Road Blues
Blind Lemon Jefferson -- 'Lectric Chair Blues
Blue Belle -- Ghost Creepin' Blues
Bo Weavil Jackson [Sam Butler] -- Devil And My Brown Blues
Brownie McGhee -- My Bulldog Blues
Charioteers -- Why Is a Good Gal so Hard to Find
Charioteers, Jimmy Sherman Orch. -- Thanks for Yesterday
Charley Patton -- Jesus Is a Dying Bed Maker
Charlie Spand -- Soon This Morning No. 2
Chubby 'Hip Shakin' Newsom and Her Hip Shakers -- Hip Shakin' Mama
Clara Smith (Lemuel Fowler at the piano) -- the L & N Blues
Curley Weaver and Clarence Moore -- Baby Boogie Woogie
Deep River Boys -- My Castle on the Nile
Dixie-Aires -- Playing with Fire
Effie Smith, Jimmie Grissom and the Blenders feat. T. B. Watson -- Answer to R. M. Blues
Esther Bigeou -- the St. Louis Blues
Esther Bigeou (contralto accomp. by Ricketts' Stars) -- Four O'Clock Blues
Esther Bigeou (contralto solo piano accomp. by Clarence Williams) -- Beale Street Blues
Esther Bigeou (contralto solo piano accomp. by Clarence Williams) -- Panama Limited Blues
Esther Bigeou (contralto solo piano accomp. by Clarence Williams) -- That Twa-Twa Tune
Esther Bigeou (contralto solo piano accomp. by Piron's New Orleans Orchestra) -- West Indies Blues
Frank Palmes [Frank Johnson] -- Ain't Gonna Lay My 'Ligion Down (take 2)
Furry Lewis -- Kassie Jones
George Williams and Bessie Brown -- Oh! Dark Gal
Hattie Hart -- Won't You Be Kind to Me
Irene Scruggs & Blind Blake -- Married Man Blues Test (take 2)
James DeBerry and his Memphis Playboys -- You Played a Trick on Me
James Wiggins -- Gotta Shave 'Em Dry
Jaybird Coleman -- Boll Weevil
Jenny Pope -- Bull Frog Blues
Jenny Pope -- Rent Man Blues
Jesse ('Babyface') Thomas -- Everything I Do for You
Jesse James -- Southern Casey Jones
Johnny (Geechie) Temple -- Jacksonville Blues
Johnny (Geechie) Temple -- the Evil Devil Blues
Julia Lee and her Boyfriends -- Tell Me, Daddy
K.C. Douglas Trio (Sidney Maiden, harmonica) -- Eclipse of the Sun
Kansas Joe and Memphis Minnie -- Goin' Back to Texas
King Odom Quartet with the Polka Dots -- I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover
L.C. Robinson, L. C. Good Rocking Robinson Band -- Why Don't You Write to Me
Lead Belly -- John Hardy
Leola B. Pettigrew -- Boop Poop A Doop
Lil Johnson -- Mellow Stuff
Little Brother Montgomery -- No Special Rider Blues
Lottie Kimbrough -- Don't Speak to Me
Louis Campbell -- the Natural Facts
Memphis Jug Band -- Snitchin' Gambler Blues
Memphis Minnie -- Sylvester and His Mule Blues
Mercy Dee Walton -- Trailing My Baby
Mississippi Moaner -- It's Cold in China Blues
Nancy Whiskey -- County Jail
Papa Charlie Jackson -- Long Gone Lost John
Peetie Wheatstraw (the Devil's Son-in-Law) -- Give Me Black or Brown
Peetie Wheatstraw (the Devil's Son-in-Law) -- What's That
Port of Harlem Jazz Men -- Port of Harlem Blues
Ramblin' Thomas -- Sawmill Moan
Rudy Foster -- Black Gal Makes Thunder
Rudy Foster -- Corn Trimmer Blues
Ruth [Mary] Willis -- Man of My Own
Ruth Day -- Experience Blues
Ruth Ladson and Three Shadows -- Windy City Blues
Sam Townsend -- I'm Missing That
Sam Townsend -- Lily Kimball Blues
Sepia Serenaders -- Ridiculous Blues
Shreveport Home Wreckers -- Fence Breakin' Blues
Sister O. M. Terrell & her guitar -- God's Little Birds
Skip James -- 22-20 Blues
Skip James -- Yola My Blues Away
Sons of the South -- One Day
Southern 4 -- Good News, Chariot's Comin'
St. Louis Bessie -- Meat Cutter Blues
Sweet Peas Spivey -- Road of Stone
Three Fifteen and his Squares -- Three Fifteen Blues
Tommy Griffin (with piano by Ernest 44 and guitar by Walter Jacobs) -- Young Heifer Blues
Tommy Johnson -- Slidin' Delta
Trixie Smith -- Freight Train Blues
Two Charlies -- I Couldn't Stay Here
Two Charlies -- Pork Chop Blues
Two Poor Boys -- John Henry Blues
Vol Stevens -- Vol Stevens Blues
Walter Jacobs -- Rats Been on My Cheese
West Texas Slim (Ernest Lewis) -- Lou Della
Whistling Rufus Bridey -- (Who's Gonna Do Your) Sweet Jelly Rollin'
Will Shade -- Better Leave That Stuff Alone

четверг, 13 июня 2024 г.

Various Artists - Kosmos Favourites vol.536 (Soviet and Immigrant Jazz & Old Folk Songs)

Efim Schachmeister's Jazz-Symphonians -- Lotos
А. Огородников и О. Буданков (ксилофоны), Инстр. анс. под упр. Р. Мацкевича -- На рисовом поле
Александр Варламов, джаз-оркестр п.у. А. Варламова -- Луна
Ансамбль Дмитрия Корниенко -- Сахра (персидский танец)
Ансамбль студентов МАИ -- Песня старого кучера
В.А. Канделаки, Эстрадный оркестр под упр. В.Н. Кнушевицкого -- Кутаиси
Владимир Коралли, Джаз-оркестр п. у. А.В. Семенова -- Как за Камой, за рекой
Владимир Слащев -- Едет парень на телеге
вокальный джаз п/у Дана [Chor-Dana, polska] -- Юба играет румбу
Вокальный джаз-квартет п/у А. Рязанова -- Листья падают с клёна
Вокальный квартет п. у. В.М. Заалова -- Лапоточки
Георгий Виноградов, Краснознаменный ансамбль песни и пляски Советской Армии -- Пшеница золотая
Гос. джаз-орк. БССР п. у. Эдди Рознера -- Караван
Гос. джаз-орк. БССР п.у. Эдди Рознера -- Парень-паренек
Гос. джаз-орк. СССР п. у. В.Кнушевицкого (соло П. Михайлов и В. Тютюнник) -- Дальневосточная
Давид Медов -- В городке Николаев
Давид Медов -- Под вечер осенью ненастной (Маруся отравилась)
Давид Медов -- Пошли девки в Дон купаться
Джаз-оркестр под упр. А. Н. Цфасмана -- Веселая прогулка
Джаз-оркестр под упр. А. Н. Цфасмана -- Роз-Мари
Джаз-оркестр под упр. Я. Б. Скоморовского -- Прекрасный день
Джаз-оркестр под управлен. Александра Цфасмана -- Неудачное свидание
Джаз-оркестр Якова Скоморовского -- Фатум
Дора Бовшовер (Dora Bowshover) -- Ухарь купец
Ефрем Флакс, Джаз-оркестр ВРК п.у. А. Н. Цфасмана -- Здесь вы в казарме
И.С. Козловский, Оркестр под упр. В.Н. Кнушевицкого -- Блюз
Инструментальный квартет И. Бриля -- Девушка из Ипанимы
Ленинградский джаз-оркестр п/у А. Семенова (вокал К. Шульженко) -- Дядя Ваня
Леонид Утесов и Гос. эстр. орк. Р.С.Ф.С.Р. п/у Л. О. Утесова -- Бывалый моряк
Леонид Утесов и Гос. эстр. орк. РСФСР п/у Л. Утесова -- Кейзи Джонс
Леонид Утесов, Гос. джаз-орк. РСФСР п/у Л.О. Утесова -- Барон фон дер Пшик
Люба Весёлая -- Бублички
Марк Бернес, инструментальный ансамбль п/у В. Кнушевицкого -- Морская песенка
Маруся Сава (Marusia Sava, Orchestra under the direction of Louis Laughlin) -- Черная шаль (the Black Shawl)
Маурик Александер -- Рио-Рита
Мия Побер, Оркестр Жорж Ипсиланти -- По тихоньку
Н.С. [Никандр] Ханаев, Орк. ГАБТ'а СССР п/у автора -- Полюшко-поле
Орк. «Ама Джаз» п/упр. Цфасмана -- Аллилуйя
Павел Гофман, эстрадный оркестр (дирижер Эдди Рознер) -- Тихая вода (на мотив песни «Парень-паренёк»)
Пётр Невский -- Матаня
Рафик Бабаев (Rafiq Babayev) -- Ночной разговор (Night Conversation)
Рашид Бейбутов, Т. Кулиев (ф-но) -- Песня нефтяника
Сара Горби (Sarah Gorby), Оркестр 'Баян' (Orquesta 'Bayan') -- Тачанка (Tatchanka)
Хор бывших рабочих Путиловского завода -- Я в сорочке, знать, родился
Эдит и Леонид Утёсовы, Джаз-орк. под упр. Л. Утесова -- Утро и вечер
Эстрадный орк. п. у. Владимира Сапожнина (Владимир Сапожнин - скрипка) -- Весёлый смычок
Эстрадный оркестр , худ. рук. Эдди Рознер -- Сан-Луи
Эстрадный оркестр под упр. А. Н. Цфасмана, П. М. Михайлов (пение) -- В дальний путь
Эстрадный оркестр под упр. Я. Б. Скоморовского -- Моя красавица
Ю. Хочинский и джаз-оркестр п/у Н. Минха -- Вот неприятность!
Юлия Запольская -- Как за Камой за рекой
Юрий Брунин -- Диги-ду

понедельник, 10 июня 2024 г.

Various Artists - Kosmos Favourites vol.535 (Old-Time Country Music)

Anna and Julietta Canova -- the Frog Went A-Courtin'
Arthur Miles -- Lonely Cowboy (part 1)
Arthur Miles -- Lonely Cowboy (part 2)
Capt. M.J. Bonner 'the Texas Fiddler' -- 1. Yearling's in the Canebrake, 2. the Gal on the Log
Carter Family -- Gathering Flowers from the Hillside
Cartwright Brothers -- Get Along Little Dogies
Chuck Wagon Gang -- Heaven Is My Home
Chuck Wagon Gang -- I'll Have a New Life
Chuck Wagon Gang -- Looking for a City
Chuck Wagon Gang -- No Tears in Heaven
Chuck Wagon Gang -- Will You Meet Me Over Yonder
Deacon Utley and the Smile A While Quartet -- Someday We'll Know
Delmer Sexton, Rone County Boys -- Rone County Break Down
East Texas Serenaders -- Combination Rag
East Texas Serenaders -- Dream Shadows
Fiddlin' Jim Pate -- Texas Farewell
Fox Chasers -- Eighth of January
Fox Chasers -- Forked Deer
Fox Chasers -- New Broom
Fox Chasers -- Red Wing
Henry King and Family -- Cripple Creek
J.D. Harris -- the Grey Eagle
Jimmy Denoon -- Little Old Sod Shanty
Lee & Juanita Moore (acc. by the Country Harmony Boys, Doc Williams and the Border Riders) -- Who Was That Stranger in White
M. S. Dillehay -- Mother-in-Law
Middle Georgia Singing Convention No. 1 -- Bells of Love
Mitchell Brothers -- High Tone Mama of Mine
Oscar & Doc Harper -- Bitter Creek
Osey Helton -- Green River
Ramblin' Tommy Scott -- Down in the Graveyard
Red Headed Fiddlers -- Cheat 'Em
Red Headed Fiddlers -- Far in the Mountain
Red Headed Fiddlers -- Paddy on the Hand Car
Roy Acuff and his Smoky Mountain Boys -- Grey Eagle
Rufus Crisp -- Blue-Eyed Girl
Sam Leslie (fiddle) and Palmer Crisp (guitar) -- Black Mountain Blues
Stamps Quartet -- Give the World a Smile
Stamps Quartet -- Headed for the Gloryland
Stamps Quartet -- the Lord Is With Me
Stamps Quartet -- Who
W.A. Hinton -- Leather Britches
W.M. Smith -- Sally Good'n
Wade Ward -- a Married Man's Blues

пятница, 7 июня 2024 г.

Various Artists - Kosmos Favourites vol.534 (Bluegrass)

Bill Monroe and his Blue Grass Boys -- Travellin' This Lonesome Road
Bill Monroe and his Blue Grass Boys -- Wicked Path of Sin
Blue Sky Boys (Bill and Earl Bolick) -- Angel Mother
Blue Sky Boys (Bill and Earl Bolick) -- Are You from Dixie
Blue Sky Boys (Bill and Earl Bolick) -- I Love Her More, Now Mother's Old
Blue Sky Boys (Bill and Earl Bolick) -- Since the Angels Took My Mother Far Away
Blue Sky Boys (Bill and Earl Bolick) -- Sunny Side of Life
Blue Sky Boys (Bill and Earl Bolick) -- When Heaven Comes Down
Blue Sky Boys (Bill and Earl Bolick) -- When the Roses Bloom in Dixieland
Butler Brothers -- Bunch a Picking
Colwell Bros. -- A Spankin' New Day
Colwell Brothers -- Morgan Poisoned the Water Hole
Colwell Brothers (Steve, Paul & Ralph) -- Bluebonnet Lane
Colwell Brothers (Steve, Paul & Ralph) -- Mountain Valley Blues
Country Gentlemen -- Train in the Hollow
Cousin Lee & Little Hank -- Little Hank's Shuffle
Earl Taylor & Jim McCall -- Hillbilly Preacher
Earl Taylor & Jim McCall -- the Devil's Slate
Harold Morrison -- An Acre of Banjos
Harold Morrison -- Scotland Five
Harry & Jeanie West -- Little Margaret
Joe Maphis -- Floggin' the Banjo
Joe Stone & Bobby Atkins and the 'Dixie Mountaineers' -- Singin' Love Songs (Bluegrass Style)
Leon Jackson, Johnny Bryant and the White Oak Mountain Boys -- Buttahatchee
Leon Jackson, Johnny Bryant and the White Oak Mountain Boys -- Love Please Come Home
Leon Jackson, Johnny Bryant and the White Oak Mountain Boys -- White Oak Mountain Breakdown
Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs & the Foggy Mountain Boys -- Dear Old Dixie
Molly O'Day and Lynn Davis -- Higher in My Prayers
Osborne Brothers -- Poor Old Cora
Osborne Brothers & Red Allen -- Down in the Willow Garden
Parson and the Freaky Mountain Boys -- First Day in Town
Parson and the Freaky Mountain Boys -- Long Journey Home
Parson and the Freaky Mountain Boys -- Sitting on Top of the World
Ralph Stanley -- Cluck Old Hen
Reno & Smiley and the Gang -- Follow the Leader
Spring Valley Boys -- Forked Deer
Spring Valley Boys -- Katy Hill
Stanley Brothers -- Rang Tang
Stanley Brothers -- Red River Valley & Ground Hog
Stanley Brothers -- Shamrock
Stanley Brothers -- When You and I Were Young Maggie & Red Wing
Stanley Brothers (vocal by Ralph Stanley) -- Little Maggie
Stringbean -- Run Little Rabbit Run

Various Artists - Kosmos Favourites vol.533 (Blues Revival)

Al Cook -- Mississippi Blues
Al Cook -- Washboard Boogie
Al King -- Christmas Is Gone
Andy Nevison and his Band -- Worried Blues
Aubrey Ghent -- Praise Music
Ballroom Kings -- Hot Banana
Beat from Palookaville feat. Mike Sanchez -- the Creature (from Outer Space)
Blueflames -- Down the Mountain
Bone Tee & the Slughunters -- Voodoo Doll
Fire Yeah -- Limpiando mi escoba
George Higgs and Jemima James -- Shoes by the Door
Jackie Edwards and Soulmaker's (arr. J. Venable) -- the Vamp
Jay Griffin (arr. Walter Morris, music by Zeke and the Soul Setters) -- Lucky Me
Jump 4 Joy -- Why Oh Why
Kabooms -- Bigger Fish to Fry (Stroll)
Katie Webster -- Crawl
Kokomo Kings -- the More I Get, the More I Want
Lee Carpenter and the Knights -- (Legend of the) Ring in the Oak
Little Charlie and the Nightcats -- Got to Have a Job
Louisiana Red -- Louisiana Blues (LP version)
Mance Lipscomb -- Tom Moore's Farm
Mike Sanchez with Knock-Out Greg & Blue Weather -- King Kong
Miss Annie & the Midnight Shift -- Burnt Toast & Black Coffee
Nico & the Rhythm Dudes -- You Came a Long Way from St. Louis
Piano Red -- Atlanta Bounce
Ray Collins' Hot-Club -- Wedding Blues
Reverend Cleophus Robinson -- Shout Shout
Shanda & the Howlers -- Won't Take No
Stinky Lou and the Goon Mat with Lord Bernado -- Looking for a Girl
Stinky Lou and the Goon Mat with Lord Bernado -- Show Me Your Tits
TT Syndicate -- Big Chief
Uptown Rhythm Kings -- Oooh-Wow
Wild Bill's Blue Washboard Boys -- Ain't a-Coming Back
Wild Bill's Blue Washboard Boys -- Change Your Way Around
Wild Bill's Blue Washboard Boys -- Washboard Choo Choo
Willie C. Cobbs -- My Little Girl
Wise Guyz -- Heat
Wise Guyz -- Hold Me, Baby
Директор Азовского моря (Director of Azov Sea) -- Буги #2
Директор Азовского моря (Director of Azov Sea) -- Греемся вином
Директор Азовского моря (Director of Azov Sea) -- Дорога к морю

Various Artists - Kosmos Favourites vol.545 (Rhythm & Blues, Surf, Garage and Rock'n'Roll Instrumentals)

Abraham and the Casanovas -- I-Cee (part 1) Abraham and the Casanovas -- I-Cee (part 2) Aki Aleong and the Nobles -- Earthquake Aki Aleong a...