Carver Boys -- Sisco Harmonica Blues
Cliff Moore-Marcus Moman-W.H. Burton -- Fuzzy Wuzzy
Cliff Moore-Marcus Moman-W.H. Burton -- St. Louis Blues
Da Costa Woltz's Southern Broadcasters -- Take Me Back To The Sweet Sunny South
Dixie Crackers -- Bile Them Cabbage Down
Dixie Crackers -- The Old Bell Cow
Dixie String Band -- Leather Breeches
Doc Hopkins -- Old Joe Clark
Dock Boggs -- False Hearted Lover's Blues
Dr. D.D. Hollis -- Glory On The Big String
Dr. D.D. Hollis -- Lone Indian
Dr. D.D. Hollis -- None Greater Than Lincoln
Emry Arthur -- Reuben Oh Reuben
Emry Arthur -- She Lied To Me
Famous Blue Jay Singers of Birmingham -- Sleep Baby Sleep
Famous Jubilee Singers -- Sinner Don't Let Dis Harvest Pass
Famous Jubilee Singers -- There's No Hiding Place
Famous Jubilee Singers -- Wait Till I Put On My Robe
Frank Jenkins of Da Costa Woltz's Southern Broadcasters -- Baptist Shout
Frank Jenkins Of Da Costa Woltz's Southern Broadcasters -- Wandering Boy
Frank Palmes -- Troubled 'Bout My Soul
Fred Newman -- San Antonio
Fruit Jar Guzzlers (Stevens and Bolar) -- Stack-O-Lee
George 'Bullet' Williams -- Frisco Leaving Birmingham
Golden Melody Boys (Demps & Phil) -- Blushing Bride
Golden Melody Boys (Demps and Phil) -- Freak Medley
Harkreader and Moore -- Old Joe Clark
Harrod's Jubilee Singers -- Hallelu
Harrod's Jubilee Singers -- Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho
Henry Whitter -- the Weeping Willow Tree
Herman Perry and His Banjo -- Muddy Water
Jack Penewell -- Last Night I Was Dreaming Of You
Jack Penewell -- That Tumble Down Shack In Athlone
John H. Bertrand and Milton Pitre -- The Rabbit Stole The Pumpkin
Jones' Paramount Charleston Four -- Homeward Bound Blues
Jones' Paramount Charleston Four -- Old Steady Roll
Jules Allen (the Singing Cowboy with guitar) -- Chisolm Trail
Jules Allen ('the Singing Cowboy' with guitar, harmonica and fiddle) -- The Gal I Left Behind Me
Moody Bible Sacred Harp Singers -- In That Morning
North Carolina Ramblers and Roy Harvey -- Bill Mason
North Carolina Ramblers and Roy Harvey -- Sweet Sunny South
North Carolina Ramblers and Roy Harvey -- Take Back The Ring
Oscar Jenkins' Mountaineers -- Burial Of Wild Bill
Osey Helton -- Rocky Road To Dublin
Price Goodson, Da Costa Woltz's Southern Broadcasters -- Lonesome Road Blues
Scottdale String Band -- St. Louis Tickle
Sweet Papa Stovepipe -- Mama's Angel Child
Thankful Hearts -- The Sweetest Song
Wade Ward -- Chilly Winds
Wade Ward -- June Apple
Watts and Wilson -- Walk Right In Belmont